We went, we saw, we left! The Wagar Five had an enjoyable vacation in Utah in mid August. I have never been so we did Temple Square. It was beautiful. I am not usually a sight seeing kind of person. I don't like just looking at things, but this was different. Everything was so beautiful. I have honestly never seen such elaborate flower beds. We happend to be there on 8/8/08 so we saw no less than 20 wedding parties. At first, we couldn't understand why so many people were getting married on a Friday, but then again, we were in Utah. We spent a day and a half at Temple Square, went to the water park one day (but only got 3 hours of fun in because of lightening causing it to close early), went to the aquarium, visited the BYU campus, and my favorite day, spent all day shopping in Park City. Fun was had by all and we made it safely back home...just in time for me to start back to work. Below are our family fun fotos!
Blake and Tayson pretending to swim against the painted scene. It took us a while to get Tayson to get close to the shark tank. We seriously considered putting one of Kamri's diapers on him because we thought he might pee his pants...but he got over it. Blake is touching a sting ray - he claims he wasn't purposely flexing. We learned all about how Steve Erwin died. Apparently, he didn't die from the sting ray stinger itself but from internal bleeding when he pulled the stinger out...shouldn't he have known not to do that??

Isn't Kamri's swimsuit adorable. I actually put her in the water and I think she liked it! In case you are someone who hasn't been swimming with Tayson this summer, he is wearing his Spiderman swim vest/suit.

Funniest thing about this picture, Bryce couldn't see the reflection of the temple in the "reflection pool" while we were there. He only saw it once he was looking back at our pictures. Saddest thing about this picture, Blake is almost as tall as me :( Most irritating thing about this picture, Bryce ruining what could be a very cute family photo by wearing a stupid hat. There's a time and a place buddy, and it ain't temple square!