I don't love holidays because it means extra work for me and having to go places. But, when you have kids, that is what you do. So, we had three events this Halloween. These are in reverse order because I forgot how the pictures show up and I am too lazy to rearrange them.
October 31, 2009 - Halloween!
Tayson - WolverineKamri - 50's Poodle Skirt Cutie
Jaxson - Cow
Aubree - Butterfly
Our church ward had a chili feed the night before Halloween.
And when they said they needed someone to taste every single chili there, of course I stepped up to the task ...after I had eaten my first bowl. Needless to say, I was a little full afterwards.
Kamri stayed in side for some of the trunk-or-treating to dance and play.
Treating at the trunks of cars!
Someone (Bryce) needs to buy me a new camera for Christmas. Here we are lined up for the costume parade.
Pre-Trunk or Treat.Yes, that's TWO boys and one girl.
And finally, the party that Catie made me host. Catie, being too prego to host herself, so craftily convinced me to have people over for pumpkin carving and food.
Here are the kids L-R: Grady and Ella Swinburnson, Jaxson McEwen, Tayson Wagar, Aubree Harkins, Kamri Wagar, and Will McKennon in front

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The main event - dipped caramel apples with choose your own toppings. So the caramel slid off and all the candy toppings pooled at the bottom. They still tasted delicious!
We'll try a better recipe next year.