Monday, January 5, 2009

Holiday - Part Uno

Merry Christmas! So i'm a little late. We had a lot to do. We had 4 Christmas parties, 3 different family Christmas', and 2 Christmas dresses (for Kamri of course). As you can see, Kamri's hair fits into pig tails now! How cute.

Group shot and Tayson the Model

This is the odd tradition that Bryce's dad's side does. The Wagar Santa Duck. It is a full grown man in a duck suit, complete with voice alteration, and (wait for it), ORANGE TIGHTS! I love the Wagars!

This is short and sweet because I am too tired these days to fully inform the blogging world about our entire holiday break. So, stay episode: The Friends we saw and Places we Visited.


Lisa and company said...

hello could Kamri look any more like her dad. WOW!

Wagars said...

Everybody says that. Why can I not see it!! Good thing Bryce is cute :)

Bryn and Blaine said...

What's up with the duck thing? You will have to share more later. I have never heard about that tradition.

The McEwen's said...

You,late on posting? Interesting. Cute pictures though (not like I haven't already seen them). But, Santa duck doesn't seem as weird when you grow up with it...maybe.

libbie said...

i want a christmas duck! i also want a baby with hair for once!

The Stars at Night...Deep in the Heart of Texas said...

Ooohh, I am in suspense. Good cliff hanger, way to keep them coming back for more! Miss you.

Molly said...

I can't wait to come back for more! Kamri is SO cute!

Lisa Christine said...

Love that picture of Tayson! He does look like a model!